lauantai 4. toukokuuta 2019

Yukicon 9.-10.3.2019

Yukicon was again great, one of the nicest conventions there are in Finland, it was a con starter for this year for me (I visited a very small con called Kibecon in January, but I did not really count that as a con starter for this year).
Yukicon was a two day con as always, but this was the first time I stayed only for one day.
Reasons being that all the interesting panels there were were on Saturday and pretty much all my friends worked for the con, so they could not hang out with me.
The con was pretty nice as it was in March, not February as usual, and that's why the weather was warmer and I could even go outside without my coat.
Also the con was very close to me - it takes only 25 minutes to get there by train, which is a big difference to most cons where it takes for me two hours to travel.
The make-up for this con turned out pretty nice, and the lipstick where I mixed two pretty dark lipsticks turned out pretty good and I did not have to re-apply it, but then again, I did not eat during the whole day.
I wore my newest corset which I had no time to test before the con, and I was really surprised that it fit me so well. The corset was from CorsetDeal, it's original price was 90 euro and I managed to get it with 25 euro cost.

Like I said, all my friends that I contacted worked for the con, so I was alone most of the time. But I met a girl called Olivia, who with help of few people, laced my corset. My corset was put on by four people, too bad Olivia was the only one I was clever enough to ask their social media of.
She was super nice, she hanged out with me until she had to go to work.

I also met Firith, with whom I have been roleplaying for few months. They bought Soul Calibur 6 from me, as I had no use for it since I do not own PS4 (I bought this statue and got the game from the Collector's Edition).
I hanged out with them for a while, talked about what we will do with the roleplay, and talked about few other things, and then they left.

Then I went for the panel called Kohti ulkomaan coneja (loosely translated as "Towards foreign cons") where the topic was cons in Europe. They mentioned cons like NärCon in Sweden, Desucon in Norway, and Comic-Con in Poland. I have heard of NärCon as many of my friends have visited it, but for some reason it has never interested me - as it really isn't a con, more like a festival with cosplay. NärCon is a con I want to travel to, but not likely in few next years - I rather go to British bigger cons like Comic-Con or Anime Expo.
They talked how Desucon was not the best con in Norway, but how they had a cosplay catwalk was funny, and they even showed few pictures of the con.
For me, the most interesting thing was Poland's Comic-con. 
Comic-Con is one of the biggest cons there are, and they mentioned how big it was - Poland's Comic-Con had 30 000 visitors, which is a lot on Europe's standards. Comic-Con is definitely one of those cons I would like to visit, especially the ones in United States.

There was also a panel about cosplay in Japan and it's con called Comiket. That was really interesting, but I managed to forgot about it, somehow I remembered that it started at seven when it actually ended at seven. That was the most interesting panel at the whole con, and I was annoyed with myself that I forgot what time it started. But on the other hand, I will likely never visit Japanese cons, and I actually am aware of the cultural differences with Japanese cosplay.

The last panel I was in was called Mistä hyvät kauhupelit on tehty?  (loosely translated as "What are good horror games made of?"). I mainly visited it because the description mentioned Amnesia, which I was really a fan of when I was a teenager. It also mentioned SOMA, other game by Frictional Games that made Amnesia, which for some reason I never played or watched playtrough of. It also mentioned Silent Hill 2, one of my favourite horror games and probably  one of the best horror games ever made, and of course Five Night's at Freddy's, which I was a fan of years ago but I will still watch playtrough of the new games when they get released. The panel was overall good even though the games were introduced quite fast. Also shorter versions of the trailers of the games were shown.
I got to say few things about Amnesia, for example how it became popular because of the very good and detailed plot, and watching people talk about it was fun, because that game was so nostalgic for me.

One of the best experiences in the con was with a French woman, who wanted a picture with me and told me my style was fantastic. She looked super cool and was very nice, too bad she left quite fast after the picture, so I could not ask for her social media. 

Overall the con was good, even though I stayed only for one day. Yukicon is a nice con and it was close to me, so the overall feeling I got from the con was positive.

My look during Saturday~

Very first full body picture of me I've published in years.

Headdress: Gothic Hats
Shirt: Poizen Industries
Bracelets: Cybershop
Corset: Cody Red Criss Cross by CorsetDeal
Handbag: Black Friday by Avelina De Moray
Shoes: Charade 206 by Demonia

Unfortunately I do not know the brand of the skirt, I cut off the label and lost it.

Yukicon was a nice con and my next con is Popcult Helsinki. :)

2 kommenttia:

  1. Kiitos kun kirjoitit hyvän arvostelun.
    Ja hienoa että oli lähellä.
    Wau....upea korsetti ja hienot. Kuvat sinusta. ��
